Saturday, May 15, 2010

Riverstone Saloon

Tennessee adventure

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Day 1 in NC driving through Asheville...check out Salute to NC post to see who the awesome people in front of us are!!

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Welcome to Tennessee

Crossing our first of many state lines earlier today :). And 40 is open westbound so no detours for the travelling party pants!

Now resting up at La's since my packing lasted til 2am last night!! Naps will be required!
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State Song #1

Salute to North Carolina

I'm going to start out this blog with a shout-out to my lovely cohort members who just graduated from the Masters Counseling program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. It feels amazing to have a Master's degree and will be interesting to see how we all put them to use in the future!

So Katie and I rolled out of Greensboro at 8:30am today. We caravanned with my wonderful parents, Phil and Linda, who devoted a lot of time and energy helping me pack up my life in North Carolina to move everything back home to Branson, MO. So the plan is, after a mini tour of Missouri to visit friends and family, I'll be re-packing and beginning the second and longest leg of our journey to San Francisco, CA (via Texas, New Mexico, and Nevada). And don't worry, although I may be broke by the time I get there, I will have a job working as a camp counselor at the Headlands Institute, an environmental education camp for kids.

And I have to give a shout-out to Katie! This road trip wouldn't be possible without her. Thanks for sharing the drive and bringing 70% of the fun! Love ya!

We have now made it to Nashville, our first major stop. Signing off for now, but check back soon for pics. Later for now, y'all!!!

Goodbye North Carolina, Hello Road Trip!

Hoppers Thursday
Graduation Friday
Departure Saturday

Signing off from the East Coast
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