Friday, May 21, 2010

Silver Dollar City

"The past is just ahead of you"

SDC adventures with Sara, Camille, and Katie
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Flashback to J-Box

Katie and I dined on Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers, onion rings, french fries, and egg rolls. Nothing like J-Box to welcome you to St. Louis.

Trolley Ride in Branson

Katie hijacked the trolley in Branson, MO. This is what we'll be driving for the rest of our trip.

Flashback to Em and I at the columns

Flashback to Como

Good times at the columns on the quad at Mizzou's campus

Flashback to beer tasting at the Brewery Tour

Our new friends, Jesse and Dominic

Updated calendar

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Flashback to Mom's Deli in St. Louis


Flashback to Susan Boyle night!

Shout-out to Kim, Sam, Abby, Dione and Baby Shoobs!!!!!

Day #4 & 5: Columbia, Joplin, and Branson

Yesterday we left for Columbia to revisit my old stomping grounds and some Mizzou friends. Shout-out to Emily and Steve for meeting us for lunch at Quinton's rooftop! We finally had beautiful weather and I was so happy I got to see both of you and reminisce a little about the good old days! Love you guys! After a few hours in Como, we headed south to Joplin where we visited my Granny in the hospital and got to catch up with my aunts.  We are hoping to visit Gran at home when we road trip back in August!  And then we completed our first late-night drive from Joplin to Branson and woke up the dog coming in to my house.  So happy to see my dog, Ellie!

Today we chillaxed ALL day and it was super necessary. We also went running in the rain and saw a deer and some horses. Tonight we caught up on GLEE thus the boy-band posting. Memories of Susan Boyle also resurfaced. Look for flashback pictures soon! 

Flashback to Raleigh boy band

Hey boys hey!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

MO Capitol

Lucky shot of the Missouri state capital building in Jeff City
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Lunch at Quinton's

Sunny finally!! Walked around Mizzou and saw their sweet Rec Center then had a rooftop lunch with Emily and Steve
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Sara's stomping grounds

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Shout out to Josh

Just got off the phone with our CA host and headed out of St. Louis when Sara spotted none other than a Red Bull truck right behind us! Can't wait to see you Josh!
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Leaving St. Louis

And we're off to Columbia!
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Go Cards!

Thanks to MB for making our trip to St. Louis complete with a Cards game! And yes we're good luck so feel free to invite us back anytime :). Wish you were here to hang out with us!
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Not as funny as "that's what she said" but still kinda funny...
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Running in Forest Park

Trying to find an entrance to Forest Park...this place has a 6 mile perimeter!!

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Day 3

On Monday, we slept in! It was great. We hit up Mom's Deli for lunch thanks to PJ's recommendation and then headed off to the Anheuser-Busch Brewery Tour. I am amazed that the tours are free and everything is kept up so well. Anheuser-Busch is all about giving back to the community and so we took advantage of it! :) The tour took us through the Clydesdale stables (the Clydesdales are still used to carry the wagons in parades and on the Christmas commercials). We then headed toward the lager tank room, where our tour guide told us about Budweiser's beechwood aging process. Next we learned a little more about the entire fermentation process and we ended the tour in the packaging plant, which processes up to 1,950 cans of beer per minute, while weeding out the duds at the same time. How's that for efficient?!
But probably the best part was the beer tasting at the end of the trip. We were allowed 2 sample glasses. I chose my favorite Shock Top Belgian White and decided to venture out for the Michelob Amber Bock. Katie chose a newer selection called Wild Blue, which has a purplish color and a blueberry taste, and followed that with Michelob Golden. If you can't tell, we are all about venturing out. :)

So what's the first thing you want to do after sampling beers? Naturally, go for a run in Forest Park. We decided not to get lost in Forest Park and retraced our steps after about a mile. But it's an awesome park and a must-see if you're in St. Louis.

And we ended the night with the St. Louis Cardinals! The cards beat the Nationals 6-2. Luckily, we made it to the game in time for the first inning hitting streak and saw Holliday, Pujols, and Rasmus get on base followed by David Freese's 2 run triple. And the last play of the game was a dive by Pujols and a throw to Ryan Franklin for the final out. Great game, Cards!!!!

And now we're off to Columbia to visit some of my Mizzou friends! M-I-Z!

Afternoon in St. Louis

On our way to the Anheuser-Busch Brewery Tour! Shout out to Jesse and Dominic for sharing their table in the hospitality room :)

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This is for you Dione...Marianne :)

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Ted Drewe's

Yummy custard!!
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Flashback to life size onesies

Monday, May 17, 2010

Soccer in St. Louis

We went to watch the St. Louis Athletica play Sunday afternoon. A friend from NC, Kendall Fletcher, plays so we were able to see her play and hang out with the Fletcher fam. Game ended in a 2-2 tie.

Pic is Sara, Katie, Kendall, and Preston.

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Night #2

Shout-out to Christa Leake for taking us to an awesome Turkish dinner at Aya Sofia, followed by a trip to see her new house (which is so cute!) and Ted Drewe's, the best frozen custard in St. Louis, and probably the world.

Shout-out to PJ Kennedy for meeting up with Katie and I at Red Lion for some late Sunday night brewskies. Thanks for being awesome, guys!!!

State Song #5: The Real Missouri Waltz

Welcome to Missouri

State #4 for the day and our home for most of the week :).

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Here we go...

3 states down this morning...almost to #4!

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State Song #4:

Shout-out to Emily Backes for providing us with this great song from her home state!

Welcome to Illinois

Late morning still en route to St. Louis but notice it's only cloudy now (maybe a slight drizzle here and there)...escaping from the rain!!

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State Song #2:

Welcome to Kentucky

Entering Kentucky during the morning rain en route to St. Louis

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Day 2: 4 States

Today, we drove through 4 states and watched the weather change from downpour in Tennessee, to hard rain in Kentucky, to light drizzle in Illinois, and to a glimpse of sunshine in Missouri. Check out our state pictures!

That's what she said

Most of our time in Nashville was spent on I-24, relentlessly searching for the most amazing billboard you can ever imagine.... Yes, friends, we found a "That's what she said" billboard.  The first sighting was on our way to Katie's friend La's house. There, we saw it looming on the horizon and about died with laughter (but of course, we maintained all eyes on the road and 2 hands on the steering wheel at all time, Mom).  After the laughter subsided, we jumped for our blackberries and cameras to no avail. The sign had passed us by and there was no chance for the photo op. So from then on, any time we were on I-24, Katie had her blackberry in hand, ready to take a picture of the "That's what she said" billboard. Alas, we never found it, but will continue searching for it in other worthy cities on our journey. Who knows, maybe it will show up by the time we get to California.

The Johnny T Band

Recap of Night 1 in Nashville, TN

So on the way to Nashville my mom gave me the idea to call up an old grade school/high school friend living there. About an hour later, I had gotten in touch with my old friend, Michael Lotten, and plans were made to go watch his band play. So after meeting up with Katie's friend, La (shout-out to La for providing the comfy bed and hanging out with us!) and a lovely dinner of Caribbean food (the Calypso Cafe was out of chicken and beef, which left us with about 2 options on the menu), we drove to Murfreesboro and hit up the Riverstone Saloon. This place surpassed our expectations and we ended the night line dancing to country rock music played by none other than my dear friend, Mike and his band, The Johnny T Band. Not only did they cover some great rock songs and a few originals, but they also played a few pop songs, including MMMBOP, followed by a "Yes, that just happened" from the lead vocalist and guitarist, Johnny T.  Check them out, they were awesome and had everyone on the dance floor, shakin' their booties. 

We felt like we had the perfect Tennessee experience thanks to La and Michael! Way to get us off to a good start!

Knoxville = Volunteer Country

Flashback to lunch on the Tennessee River in Knoxville

Flashback to Day 1

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hungry for Chickfila, check...Sunday, typical! :(

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Day 2...on the road again

Shout out to Hannah for our yummy Starbucks :). Perfect start to a rainy day in Nashville!

Thanks La for a fun night and a comfy bed!

300ish miles to St. Louis
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State Song #2: