Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 3

On Monday, we slept in! It was great. We hit up Mom's Deli for lunch thanks to PJ's recommendation and then headed off to the Anheuser-Busch Brewery Tour. I am amazed that the tours are free and everything is kept up so well. Anheuser-Busch is all about giving back to the community and so we took advantage of it! :) The tour took us through the Clydesdale stables (the Clydesdales are still used to carry the wagons in parades and on the Christmas commercials). We then headed toward the lager tank room, where our tour guide told us about Budweiser's beechwood aging process. Next we learned a little more about the entire fermentation process and we ended the tour in the packaging plant, which processes up to 1,950 cans of beer per minute, while weeding out the duds at the same time. How's that for efficient?!
But probably the best part was the beer tasting at the end of the trip. We were allowed 2 sample glasses. I chose my favorite Shock Top Belgian White and decided to venture out for the Michelob Amber Bock. Katie chose a newer selection called Wild Blue, which has a purplish color and a blueberry taste, and followed that with Michelob Golden. If you can't tell, we are all about venturing out. :)

So what's the first thing you want to do after sampling beers? Naturally, go for a run in Forest Park. We decided not to get lost in Forest Park and retraced our steps after about a mile. But it's an awesome park and a must-see if you're in St. Louis.

And we ended the night with the St. Louis Cardinals! The cards beat the Nationals 6-2. Luckily, we made it to the game in time for the first inning hitting streak and saw Holliday, Pujols, and Rasmus get on base followed by David Freese's 2 run triple. And the last play of the game was a dive by Pujols and a throw to Ryan Franklin for the final out. Great game, Cards!!!!

And now we're off to Columbia to visit some of my Mizzou friends! M-I-Z!

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