Monday, May 17, 2010

Recap of Night 1 in Nashville, TN

So on the way to Nashville my mom gave me the idea to call up an old grade school/high school friend living there. About an hour later, I had gotten in touch with my old friend, Michael Lotten, and plans were made to go watch his band play. So after meeting up with Katie's friend, La (shout-out to La for providing the comfy bed and hanging out with us!) and a lovely dinner of Caribbean food (the Calypso Cafe was out of chicken and beef, which left us with about 2 options on the menu), we drove to Murfreesboro and hit up the Riverstone Saloon. This place surpassed our expectations and we ended the night line dancing to country rock music played by none other than my dear friend, Mike and his band, The Johnny T Band. Not only did they cover some great rock songs and a few originals, but they also played a few pop songs, including MMMBOP, followed by a "Yes, that just happened" from the lead vocalist and guitarist, Johnny T.  Check them out, they were awesome and had everyone on the dance floor, shakin' their booties. 

We felt like we had the perfect Tennessee experience thanks to La and Michael! Way to get us off to a good start!

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