Monday, May 17, 2010

That's what she said

Most of our time in Nashville was spent on I-24, relentlessly searching for the most amazing billboard you can ever imagine.... Yes, friends, we found a "That's what she said" billboard.  The first sighting was on our way to Katie's friend La's house. There, we saw it looming on the horizon and about died with laughter (but of course, we maintained all eyes on the road and 2 hands on the steering wheel at all time, Mom).  After the laughter subsided, we jumped for our blackberries and cameras to no avail. The sign had passed us by and there was no chance for the photo op. So from then on, any time we were on I-24, Katie had her blackberry in hand, ready to take a picture of the "That's what she said" billboard. Alas, we never found it, but will continue searching for it in other worthy cities on our journey. Who knows, maybe it will show up by the time we get to California.

1 comment:

  1. "Katie had her blackberry in hand"...That's what she said!!!!!!!!!!!

