Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day #12: Santa Fe

As I was driving west at about 2am this morning, the heat lightning was lighting up the night sky, creating an erie setting for our entrance to Roswell, NM. At one point, I saw what looked like a motorcycle headlight coming towards us on the edge of the horizon. Because of the hills, the light would come and go and then, it just disappeared. Who would be driving a motorcycle at 2am? It must have been an alien life form on a spaceship. That's my ultimate conclusion. And Katie concurs with the eeriness of Roswell. The night was not complete until we made a stop at a 24 hour Walmart and I bought an alien key chain. 

Today we met up with my old Mizzou friend, Dan, in Santa Fe and slept away the morning. We checked out some of the many art galleries on Canyon Road and bartered for turqoise jewelry downtown. I was excited when I saw that Dan lives in an adobe house. Adobe is every where and Dan informed us that there is a city-wide ordinance requiring every building to be made of adobe. 

In the late afternoon, we headed up to Sangre de Cristo mountain and did some hiking, which was a great way to work off the Mexican food we had for lunch and also get a beautiful view of Santa Fe and Albuquerque in the distance. 

Thanks, Dan, for hosting us in Santa Fe and grilling dinner for us! We've had a great time! Hasta luego for now!

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